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Case studies: the vital component in your marketing arsenal

We often get asked what the one piece of marketing collateral a company should invest in  – particularly if cash flow is tight. It’s a difficult question to answer and one that will have different answers depending on a company’s individual situation, but often the answer we give is ‘case studies’. Why? Because they are arguably the most versatile element of your marketing mix. 

Case studies

A quality case study can prove invaluable, with the content being reused as blogs, endorsement quotes, social media content and the top-level benefits or ROI can even be created into an impactful press release – ultimately it with the majority of people looking to their peers to influence their decisions it acts as social proof and a useful sales aid to demonstrate success and referenceability. 

In the health tech sector, Covid-19 provided unprecedented opportunities for digital health innovation with companies, for the first time, able to fast-track the implementation within the NHS and beyond. But as the first wave of the pandemic eases, there is likely to be a moment of reflection. If suppliers are to achieve long term success, they need to be ready and armed with the evidence of why their solution should be retained as the sector adapts to a new ‘digital-first’ environment.  


This is where the humble case study comes into its own. For a case study gives you the opportunity to show how your tech solution can, and is, making a difference. You can demonstrate, through real-life examples, how your customers are overcoming their challenges and achieving their goals. In short, it provides the evidence – the credibility – and this can really pack a punch. 

Top tips

Think strategically. There is often the temptation when creating a case study to adopt the scattergun approach of asking all of your customers if they are willing to feature, hopeful that one, two or even three may agree. Instead, ask for testimonials that will address the concerns or reservations that potential customers may have about your product and have multiple case studies that focus on different scenarios. 

Detail the evidence. Include the statistics to demonstrate the impact and benefits that your solution has had. This not only helps potential customers to visualise what you could do for them, it adds credibility and arms your sales team with real examples for when they are talking to potential customers. 

Use a range of voices to sing your success. Ensure your case study includes quotes from those who benefit most from the technology. Front line staff can often be most enthusiastic about the technology that is making their working lives easier and their stories can add a great balance to the overarching comments from CEOs or CIOs. 

Think about imagery. A picture tells a thousand words – if you’re interviewing someone in person make sure you use the opportunity to get great photos not only of them but also some scene-setting shots that help to tell the story in a more visible way.

Make the most of your case study. You’ve done the hard work creating it, now make that case study work for you. Quotes from staff members using your technology can be used on social media to drive people to your website and to pique initial interest. Your interview with a CEO or CIO could also be reworked into a supplementary blog. Statistics can be used on your website as a sales aid and feature in other marketing collateral. Keep using and reusing this content to help get the message out to potential customers. 
